I'm not really sure what direction this blog will take, but I like that. I'm not the type of girl to follow guidelines anyways. I'm a little bit of a rebel so the fact that I can take this blog any way I choose to intrigues me. It may start as one thing and evolve into something completely different many times. Isn't that how life is though? You start out as a little kid and everyone is asking you what you want to be when you grow up. It would be a little silly if you never deviated from the decision you made as a child because you didnt really know what your options were or have a developed sense of what interested you. Don't get me wrong, it is important to have veterinarians, ballerinas, and astronauts. But how many 5 year olds know what an engineer, botanist, or architect is? I guess what I'm getting at is that I'm new to this whole blogging experience and as I get into the swing of things my understanding will grow and perhaps I will develop a stronger sense of what direction I want to go with this. Thanks for reading my first silly unexperienced blog entry.
Much love,
Marti :)